#: locale=en ## Action ### URL PopupWebFrameBehaviour_0E9D21F6_0175_DFF8_4171_01D63897DC7A.url = https://online.flippingbook.com/view/201762870/ ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D13E9305_C3B3_B2B3_41E6_CD641DA58D56.toolTip = Baikie Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_966EA297_B37D_AF4C_41DC_5F76C64BA184.toolTip = Emergency Exit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9619F19F_B37C_AD7B_41E0_0D3ACD0AF1E9.toolTip = Emergency exit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A338FC6D_B324_F46C_41CC_454BFE709731.toolTip = Facilities on Level 5 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A57B2966_B35C_BD90_41C3_3E7024E4D64A.toolTip = Hand Sanitising Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5959BAA_B35D_9C93_41B3_589DAB8865F5.toolTip = Internal Help Phone HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D27EA406_C3D3_F6B3_41D5_29F6EE6630FA.toolTip = Lift to Levels 1,2,3 & 4 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0EABCE7B_017F_44E9_4156_F504BEA46A3D.toolTip = Pre 1920 Book Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_96FA3DF0_B36D_B4C7_41DE_D6A76F91F494.toolTip = Pre 1920 Book Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_978C28B7_B37C_9B4B_41E4_9D89F89E0AC8.toolTip = Print, copy & scan HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5CD7C0E_B35F_FB93_41DA_75645D50066E.toolTip = Quaker Book Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0FA7A9C_B324_BCB1_41E0_1977C5EB58E9.toolTip = Royal Society Book Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5D2B06D_B35F_6B91_41D7_A05B7E1BBF3F.toolTip = Royal Society Journal Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_96EEA7E4_B36D_B4CF_4191_731076B238D9.toolTip = Royal Society Journal Collection HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A508FCE5_B35D_9491_41E3_858E66A4E106.toolTip = Silent Study Desks HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A2A99865_B33C_9B9D_41E4_76CB74C59E03.toolTip = Silent Study Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A5CDD454_B35F_6BB0_41BF_D23F0B95312A.toolTip = Silent Study Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_970814FA_B37D_94C5_41E1_E25418DE6017.toolTip = Special & Rare Collections HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_978EF733_B37C_9544_41E4_49BFA688D686.toolTip = Special & Rare Reading Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0F09AC66_0174_C419_4172_2CCA4966DAAB.toolTip = To Specail & Rare Collections ## Media ### Floorplan ### Image imlevel_06DEAF7E_0AE0_0812_41A2_B6A99DB007EC.url = media/map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F_en_0.jpg imlevel_06DE4F80_0AE0_08EE_41A4_18AEA2FAD53C.url = media/map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F_en_1.jpg imlevel_06DE7F81_0AE0_08EE_4196_40F6A8296CAA.url = media/map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F_en_2.jpg imlevel_06DE6F81_0AE0_08EE_4191_2143C6A00BC0.url = media/map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F_en_3.jpg imlevel_06DE1F81_0AE0_08EE_41A1_355A8D7481F5.url = media/map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F_en_4.jpg ### Title panorama_B9490CE3_B324_9498_41D5_DE95800184E5.label = 1-L5 stairs study room panorama_B97665BA_B32B_74EB_41CB_10302B206DA8.label = 10-S&R1 office panorama_B97964CC_B325_94A8_41DB_A2B9304381F9.label = 2-L5 foyer panorama_B97ACFEC_B325_B468_41C6_6D165188C5D9.label = 3-L5 sl begin panorama_B9797C7F_B325_F468_41B8_FE9723AEBF0B.label = 4-L5 sl back panorama_B97946C4_B325_B49F_41E0_6DE4FAC7E073.label = 5-L5 sr begin panorama_B979C34B_B325_6DA8_41CB_6A9F05AC541B.label = 6a-L5 sr middle 2 panorama_B97987C6_B324_949B_41B0_26EB09F3738A.label = 7-L5 sl long panorama_B9799240_B324_EF97_41E5_C96E67617F18.label = 8-L5 lift panorama_B9799B54_B324_BDBF_41D4_4142BE05B332.label = 9-S&R1 outside map_E2EC751D_E997_3B66_41E5_9914EA6C6F3F.label = BW-MM-L5 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_E4D8529C_F0E6_69D7_41E3_9DA4BC073AE3.html =
Baikie Collection
Collection of medical texts donated to the library by the late Albert G. Baikie
htmlText_E47E5E05_F0EA_D8BD_41E9_D11934A091EE.html =
Emergency Exit
Read about our Emergency Procedures
htmlText_FF0010F7_F05A_293A_41EB_EBF9FBA8AB0C.html =
Level Five
Note: Level Five is a silent study area
Royal Society Library
Royal Society Journal Collection
Special & Rare Collections
Quaker collection
Pre 1920 book collection
1 Copy/print/scan
Silent study desks
Access: Lift or stairs
htmlText_E4196B71_F0DA_5F6E_41EA_1AB25E60BD95.html =
Printers can be used for printing, copying and scanning. To use the printer you will need to set up your MyPrint account.
Information about MyPrint
htmlText_A5CD1C0E_B35F_FB93_41D1_6BE59019B90D.html =
Quaker Collection
The open-access titles of the Quaker Collection are available for ‘library use only’ on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library, 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211).
Quaker Rare material is available for viewing in the Special & Rare Reading Room.
Contact staff befor visiting
htmlText_A5126CE7_B35D_9491_41E4_A47A1B425953.html =
Silent Study Area
Wired and Wireless network for laptops. The UTAS wireless network is available throughout the Library
Connect to the UTAS wireless network
htmlText_97B77734_B37C_954C_41D9_0FE6B596764B.html =
Special & Rare Reading Room
If you would like to view material in the Special & Rare collection please make an appointment
More information about Special & Rare Collections.
htmlText_E2169B36_F05E_3F35_41D8_5D4AE94A006F.html =
The Royal Society Book Collection
Access to The RST Collection of books and journals housed in the compactus on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library is available 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211)
The RST Book collection is not available for loan
Royal Society Rare material is available for viewing in the Special & Rare Reading Room.
Contact staff befor visiting
htmlText_A5D8306E_B35F_6B93_418E_B407F3B004AA.html =
The Royal Society Journal Collection
Access to The RST Collection of books and journals housed in the compactus on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library is available 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211)
Journals (unbound) not for loan
Journals (bound) 3 day loan
Royal Society members, University staff and postgraduate students only
htmlText_96C6BCA4_B37C_BB4E_41DA_310D2CCE38E7.html =
Lift access to
• Level 1 - Staff area
• Level 2 - Entry Level - Help
• Level 3 - Open study area
• Level 4 - Silent study and book stacks
htmlText_970834FB_B37D_94BB_41C5_30376102EF65.html =
The Special & Rare Collections manages and provides access to the cultural and historical records and rare books and maps.
More information
Contact Us
htmlText_A59C6BAC_B35D_9C97_41D4_32E73B1540A8.html =
Use this phone for UConnect, IT or Security Help
htmlText_A501B967_B35C_BD90_41E5_AB9D13F11B66.html =
We promote handwashing and hygiene as the most important thing you can do to protect yourself. The Library has hand sanitiser stations at entry and exit points and around the building.
htmlText_96EE87E5_B36D_B4C9_41E4_4F00CB937913.html =
htmlText_A5DA5455_B35F_6BB0_41DA_680D590BD090.html =
## Skin ### Image Image_E7CDAD06_E995_2B62_41DC_3E1832A9F68A.url = skin/Image_E7CDAD06_E995_2B62_41DC_3E1832A9F68A_en.png ### Label label4056.text = Morris Miller Library - Level 5 ### Multiline Text htmlText_E4D8529C_F0E6_69D7_41E3_9DA4BC073AE3.html =
Baikie Collection
Collection of medical texts donated to the library by the late Albert G. Baikie
htmlText_E47E5E05_F0EA_D8BD_41E9_D11934A091EE.html =
Emergency Exit
Read about our Emergency Procedures
htmlText_FF0010F7_F05A_293A_41EB_EBF9FBA8AB0C.html =
Level Five
Note: Level Five is a silent study area
Royal Society Library
Royal Society Journal Collection
Special & Rare Collections
Quaker collection
Pre 1920 book collection
1 Copy/print/scan
Silent study desks
Access: Lift or stairs
htmlText_E4196B71_F0DA_5F6E_41EA_1AB25E60BD95.html =
Printers can be used for printing, copying and scanning. To use the printer you will need to set up your MyPrint account.
Information about MyPrint
htmlText_A5CD1C0E_B35F_FB93_41D1_6BE59019B90D.html =
Quaker Collection
The open-access titles of the Quaker Collection are available for ‘library use only’ on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library, 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211).
Quaker Rare material is available for viewing in the Special & Rare Reading Room.
Contact staff befor visiting
htmlText_A5126CE7_B35D_9491_41E4_A47A1B425953.html =
Silent Study Area
Wired and Wireless network for laptops. The UTAS wireless network is available throughout the Library
Connect to the UTAS wireless network
htmlText_97B77734_B37C_954C_41D9_0FE6B596764B.html =
Special & Rare Reading Room
If you would like to view material in the Special & Rare collection please make an appointment
More information about Special & Rare Collections.
htmlText_E2169B36_F05E_3F35_41D8_5D4AE94A006F.html =
The Royal Society Book Collection
Access to The RST Collection of books and journals housed in the compactus on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library is available 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211)
The RST Book collection is not available for loan
Royal Society Rare material is available for viewing in the Special & Rare Reading Room.
Contact staff befor visiting
htmlText_A5D8306E_B35F_6B93_418E_B407F3B004AA.html =
The Royal Society Journal Collection
Access to The RST Collection of books and journals housed in the compactus on Level 5 of the Morris Miller Library is available 9-5 Monday to Friday (see Special & Rare staff or phone 6226 2211)
Journals (unbound) not for loan
Journals (bound) 3 day loan
Royal Society members, University staff and postgraduate students only
htmlText_96C6BCA4_B37C_BB4E_41DA_310D2CCE38E7.html =
Lift access to
• Level 1 - Staff area
• Level 2 - Entry Level - Help
• Level 3 - Open study area
• Level 4 - Silent study and book stacks
htmlText_970834FB_B37D_94BB_41C5_30376102EF65.html =
The Special & Rare Collections manages and provides access to the cultural and historical records and rare books and maps.
More information
Contact Us
htmlText_A59C6BAC_B35D_9C97_41D4_32E73B1540A8.html =
Use this phone for UConnect, IT or Security Help
htmlText_A501B967_B35C_BD90_41E5_AB9D13F11B66.html =
We promote handwashing and hygiene as the most important thing you can do to protect yourself. The Library has hand sanitiser stations at entry and exit points and around the building.
htmlText_96EE87E5_B36D_B4C9_41E4_4F00CB937913.html =
htmlText_A5DA5455_B35F_6BB0_41DA_680D590BD090.html =
## Tour ### Description tour.description = Morris Miller Library Virtual Tour 2021 ### Title tour.name = Morris Miller Library Virtual Tour 2021