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Maritime College Entrance
Bridge Simulator View
Tug Simulator
Towing Tank
Model Test Basin
AUV Facility
Cavitation Research
Cavitation Research Viewpoint
Emergency Response Centre
Fire Hull
AMC Fire Elevated View
Fire Classroom
Beauty Point
Welcome to AMC

The Australian Maritime College is Australia’s national institute for maritime education, training and research and ranked #1  globally in the latest International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) benchmarks.

AMC provides a vibrant on-campus experience with a welcoming community of students and staff. Located in Tasmania, AMC is renowned for its great courses and extraordinary location. Our courses give you the chance to explore nature and access adventure while you study. From field work and hands-on learning to hiking across Tasmania’s iconic bush tracks and sailing through scenic uncrowded waters, your experience here will be unforgettable.
Towing Tank

AMC's Towing Tank is the largest and only commercially operating facility of its type within Australasia.

The Towing Tank is a fundamental tool utilised by naval architects and other engineering professionals for conducting physical model experiments within a controlled environment.
Welcome to AMC Beauty Point

AMC Beauty Point is our wharf facility where seafaring students have access to training vessels and workshop spaces, providing them with hands-on teaching and learning facilities.

Bluefin cruises Australian waters with up to 25 students and staff on training voyages from two days to two weeks duration. Studies on board include habitat monitoring, fish sampling, fishing technology, machinery operation and maintenance, environmental assessment, oceanographic instrument mooring, and ship design and function.
Tug Simulator

AMC is home to a state-of-the-art suite of real-time Maritime simulation facilities. Our two 360-degree tug simulation cubicles provide a realistic learning experience that demonstrate vessel draughts, wind speed, and distance to other vessels.
Maritime Simulation Centre

Our simulation facilities are used for research and investigation into port development, ship manoeuvring, improving ship and port safety and efficiency, training seafarers and teaching undergraduates.

The facilities bridge the gap between practice and theory as an effective aid for training and competency assessment of ship masters and deck officers. Students learn about ship-handling, passage planning and the use of radar, electronic charts, automatic identification systems and automatic radar plotting aids.
Bridge Simulator

Our Ship's bridge simulator was recently upgraded to include the world's first installation of Panasonic's ultra-high resolution 4K Full Mission Bridge Simulation Projection System, providing users with unparalleled realism.
Welcome to the Model Test Basin

Our 35 metre long Model Test Basin simulates maritime operations in shallow water environments such as ports, harbours, rivers and coastal regions.

It is used by students, research organisations and industry to conduct a wide variety of experiments, providing hands-on experience and opportunities for experimental modelling. The Model Test Basin has a wave-make with 16 computer-controlled paddles that can produce a wide variety of different types of wave at almost any water depth. A wind generator with 20 individually controllable fans can be strategically positioned to obtain the desired wind direction.
Welcome to the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Facility

AUV's are unmanned underwater vehicles that are remotely programmed to survey the ocean's depths and collect data on research missions. Fitted with tools such as sonars, they return information that helps detect and map the seabed and objects beneath the ocean's surface and from below ice sheets.

AMC's state-of-the-art AUV's enable a broad range of scientific, industry and defence related projects by facilitating exploration and data collection in remote and inhospitable locations.
Welcome to the Cavitation Research Laboratory

Our Cavitation Research Laboratory is unique in Australia and one of a handful of such experimental laboratories in the world.

It is used to test the hydrodynamic behaviour of submerged structures such as submarines and ship hulls, helping understand how water flows around an object and causes cavitation, the formation of bubbles. The Cavitation Research Laboratory plays a key role when providing research and advice on the future development of submarines, destroyers, patrol boats and other maritime vessels. It is used heavily by defence and related industries to understand how to reduce the effects of cavitation.